i’ve called myself “acoustic goth broadway” because calling to my (probably pretty obvious) theatre kid roots feels like an honest take on my big expression of big feelings. i’ve also taken great joy in being called things like “apocalyptic bedroom pop”. when i begged a beloved friend to write me a biography for a festival, i got the answer that pymoob is “the tenderly spooky, uncannily tuneful, and radically honest musical project of satah cameron. their prolific output includes at least 16 eps and albums which take listeners by the hand and guide them through bedrooms, hospital rooms, and dive bar bathrooms, whispering poetry in their ears all the while.”
latest ep
wanna collab, play a show, or hire me to/figure out an arrangment in which i write or cover a song for you or yr thing? this is my contact page. i’d love to contribute lyrics or vocals to yr weird project, write a musical or concept album together, make a soundtrack or score or theme song, etc.