people you meet outside of bars

is a collective band name for one singer-songwriter’s work, based in ottawa ON

🖤 bandcamp 🖤 youtube 🖤 instagram 🖤 twitter🖤 

three images of people you meet outside of bars on stage: one high on a balcony with surreal images projected over, one sitting on the floor singing with their hair in their face, and another with a couple people sitting on the floor watching


i’ve called myself “acoustic goth broadway” because calling to my (probably pretty obvious) theatre kid roots feels like an honest take on my big expression of big feelings. i’ve also taken great joy in being called things like “apocalyptic bedroom pop”. when i begged a beloved friend to write me a biography for a festival, i got the answer that pymoob is “the tenderly spooky, uncannily tuneful, and radically honest musical project of satah cameron. their prolific output includes at least 16 eps and albums which take listeners by the hand and guide them through bedrooms, hospital rooms, and dive bar bathrooms, whispering poetry in their ears all the while.”


latest ep

recent blog posts


lyric video: hello!

a lyric video/visualiser/vibe-y thing for the first song off of my latest EP.


new EP: it’s really only

happy new year. here are three songs. two are new.


d204.10: ghosts

the tenth roll of d204, a project where i let dice tell me which of my songs to record, & a vlog abt interfacing with a past self’s uncomfortable sort of vulnerability + a demo of the song from 2015.


d204.9: the freezing

the ninth roll of d204, a project where i let dice tell me which of my songs to record, a vlog digging into the deviantart archives to figure out when this song was written, & talking thru some other recordings of this song.


d204.8: under you

the eighth roll of d204, a project where i let dice tell me which of my songs to record, & a vlog abt the animated project the song was originally written for, how it briefly became known outside of my usual audience thru a mob psycho 100 comic, & how very very very much i want to expand the EP into a full musical abt a ghost & human falling in love.


d204.7: nature nurture neurosis

the seventh roll of d204, a project where i let dice tell me which of my songs to record & a vlog abt revisiting the artistic viciousness of a teenager who is Going Thru It & healing from difficult parents so you don’t become them.


d204.6: god help me

the sixth roll of d204, a project where i let dice tell me which of my songs to record, a vlog abt anxiety, & a bit of talk abt the original release of this song.


d204.5: one last time

the fifth roll of d204, a project where i let dice tell me which of my songs to record, & a vlog abt abt sobriety, isolation, & the weirdness of writing + performing songs abt mental health crises from inside of them.


d204’s first-ever reroll & its consequences

updates at 3:15 & 11:15 pm on the same day.

all blog posts

wanna collab, play a show, or hire me to/figure out an arrangment in which i write or cover a song for you or yr thing? this is my contact page. i’d love to contribute lyrics or vocals to yr weird project, write a musical or concept album together, make a soundtrack or score or theme song, etc.